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1960s Chatty Cathy Doll Clothes Pattern Advance UNCUT 20 inch Doll Vin.. 1960s Vintage Sewing Pattern Advance Chatty Cathy Group 5 Dress Robe J..
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Vintage 1964 1965 original Singin Chatty Cathy doll in red outfit.
50 items. Find best value and selection for your Vintage 1964 1965 original.
50 items. Find best value and selection for your ORIGINAL VINTAGE 1959.
Chatty Cathy Wardrobe, Advance 2897 [Advance Pattern Co Inc] on .. attention to the girls who wanted to make doll clothes for their Chatty Cathy.
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1959 Chatty Cathy in original box No talk original clothes ? dont.
50 items. Find best value and selection for your Vintage 1964 1965 original.
50 items. Find best value and selection for your ORIGINAL VINTAGE 1959.